Thursday, September 6, 2012

New B/O!


  1. A new Best Offer?

    And it's higher than the previous, and someone is already going to pay that price?

    We need a retard medal here!

    1. "Have a buyer for 12 keys. 12 keys + ref new B/O"
      "new B/O"
      "New Best Offer"
      Yeah, we need a retard medal for you

  2. what a noob jewish noob

  3. what these people forget is this. There is no magical bot which will buy everything for the asking price. Yes people might be asking 2 buds for the genuine archemedies, but who in the right mind will buy them? Christ, people and their understanding of supply and demand is almost as bad as Runescape.

  4. lol friend linked me to this, this is my post. Yeah I guess it was a bit douchebaggy, but the guy said tentative and I though I could find another guy to leverage two buyers against eachother. At that point, I had the cheapest Archimedes on the market by about a key. He ended up buying it at that price and I never got a better offer. Essentially, when I got that shitty bird I wanted to sell it to the highest bidder ASAP, because price was dropping too rapidly. Funny how so many people thing B/O is best offer.
